OSP is excited to be a part of Leduc's community
Blogpost by Karen Jansen
March 16, 2023
Leduc images courtesy of the City of Leduc: https://photo.leduc.ca/
On Site Placement (OSP) is launching its first satellite office in Leduc, Alberta, with a goal to provide client-centred career counselling and targeted jobsearch assistance for local residents.
Instead of expecting Leduc jobseekers to come to us in downtown Edmonton, OSP is opening a new office that will focus on local job opportunities.
“We were not reaching a significant population of people who are having trouble finding work simply because they had a hard time getting to us,” said OSP’s Executive Director, Nicholas Scott. “Transportation issues can be a significant employment barrier to our clients that affects the accessibility of available support.”
With over 40 years of experience assisting Edmonton-area residents find and maintain employment, OSP has supported thousands of individuals achieve their employment goals, no matter what had been holding them back. As the employment landscape has shifted, OSP has continually adapted their services to meet current employment needs and this is what drove OSP’s recent expansion to the Leduc area.
“Our new employment centre in Leduc will support local jobseekers in the area who maybe haven’t been well-served in the past.” says Scott. “Having our team here will also help us build solid relationships with local employers which connects these jobseekers to with targeted Leduc-area labour market information.”
With a mission to be a leader in inclusion and diversity, On Site Placement has continually expanded its programs and offerings. This new initiative, funded by the Government of Alberta, will allow OSP to bring its wholistic, client-centred approach directly to the the Leduc area.
“We believe in finding the best fit between employers and employees," says Scott. “It’s not a matter of only ticking boxes and matching keywords between a job posting and a resume. We truly believe that long term success in employment pairings comes first from readying the individual for employment, then from careful consideration of the needs of the employer and matching these to a jobseeker’s skills, interests, and capacity to take on the role.”
Through their new Leduc office, OSP will continue to reach out to local employers and set-up individuals to pursue part-time or full-time employment, helping them break barriers and achieve their career goals.
While OSP has a new location, operations are going to be transient for a little while, “Our new digs need a little bit of work to make them accessible for all our clients, so we are going to make do while we have our renovations happening.” says Scott. Near neighbours, Leduc & District Food Bank has welcomed OSP with open arms, and have generously agreed to let them use a space in their own offices at 201, 6051 47 St, until the new building is ready.
“At our temporary coworking space, we will be able to meet with Clients, conduct workshops, and use it as a base to do everything we need to set people up for employment success” Scott says. “We are able to welcome clients to call or email us to make an appointment to meet. We are currently scheduling regular, in-person information sessions for Leduc jobseekers to explore how we can best help them.”
While OSP is pleased to be able to offer temporary services at the Leduc Food Bank, we are eager to get started with our own space as soon as we can. So stay tuned for our Grand Opening Announcement! “Everyone is working flat-out to get us into our own space. We are excited to become a part of Leduc’s community.”
The new office will be located at #8, 5901 50 Street, Leduc, Alberta. It will serve clients from 8:00-4:00, Monday to Friday. In the meantime, clients will be served at Leduc & District Food Bank, at 201, 6051 47 Street.
To make an appointment for our Leduc office, call (780) 488-8122 or email: programs@osp.ab.ca